Well.....I'm sitting in my bed becaaaaaause I was actually going to bed as it is a bit late here in Denmark BUT then I found my two favourite French cooking books and I couldn't help but open them and have a quick (well, rather long) peak inside.....I have to tell you - these two books contain the most delicious French dishes in MY whole world!!!! I am definitely gonna cook some of them for the blog!!!!!
I also got these lovely things for my room the other day - they are so beautiful and decorative!!
It's a bad habit for me to buy accessories for my apartment because I haven't got space for all of it haha :)
Jeg troede, at du købte zebra-numserne! :)
SvarSletTillykke med bloggen!
Glæder mig til mit første blogindlæg på Luftkastellets Luner om ganske få dage! :)
Ej syntes nu alligevel at elefant-numserne var sødest :)))) Glæder mig også til at læse om lunerne lige om snart!!!